What can you do with a degree in communication?

Elspeth Mizner, Saint Vincent Communication Program Alum, career in

Good communicators are needed everywhere and in every industry. That’s why communication careers are a fascinating way to match one’s passions, values, and interests with their work. For example, if you love technology, you might work in communication at a technology company; or if you’re passionate about art, you could find a job in communication at a museum, studio, or even a non-profit. It’s everywhere.

“Communication has arguably never been more robust with manifold ways to share information in the digital era,” one US News and World Report article states. “But communication has also perhaps never been more complicated, with a daily deluge of information to sift through, tune out, verify or debunk – all at our fingertips thanks to the megaphone of social media.” 

A career in communication takes curiosity, problem solving, and of course excellent writing and speaking skills. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in media and communication are projected to grow 14 percent in the next ten years, much faster than average for all occupations and resulting in about 151,000 new jobs. 

The following in-demand careers are just four of the many you can pursue with a communication degree: 

  1. Communication director or communications manager

Communications managers work on administrative teams to help design and implement communication plans both with internal employees or with the public. Often, this job involves generating press releases, managing social content, monitoring headlines about the company or organization, and making sure those who need to be informed of certain issues are well-informed at the right time. 

At larger companies, communication managers often work on a team of other communicators, so this is a great way to get started after your degree, and meet others who have great experience and offer helpful mentorship. 

  1. Technical Writer

One highly sought after skill is the ability to explain complex information to non-experts. Technical writers do just this. Technical writers combine their communication skills with industry-specific understanding to prepare supporting documents such as instruction manuals, how-to guides, and journal articles. For example, a technical writer for an engineering firm might create employee handbooks or newsletters or help distribute advertisements for the firm to the general public. A technical writer might work for a financial analyst, helping them draft annual reports and shareholders’ meetings information.  

If there is a particular area of interest while in school, it’s highly recommended to take courses in that specialty as well, whether it’s business, engineering, science, pre-health professional courses, or many others. 

  1. Journalist/Reporter

A communication degree can also lead to a diverse and rewarding career as a multimedia journalist or reporter – in broadcast, print, online, or radio news. Not only are the writing and editing skills from a communication degree crucial for this field, honing public presentation skills as well as crucial communication ethics courses can lead to a strong journalism career on- and off-air. 

Saint Vincent alumna Elspeth Mizner (C’19) works as a reporter for NBC affiliate in Erie, PA – WICU-TV. “I decided to major in communication because it’s a very broad major. While working in television was always in the back of my mind, I wanted to keep my options open,” she said.

  1. Public Relations Specialists

Public relations professionals work to help organizations, companies, people and groups maintain the personas they seek to hold in the public eye. This work can include media releases, events, marketing, strategy, and other awareness campaigns to help clients meet their goals.  They can work in-house of a company or at a public relations or marketing firm that companies hire to help them with their public-facing segments. 

Saint Vincent students can work to understand what all public relations entails through courses like CA 240 Public Relations Strategies, tons of great internship opportunities, and serving on public relations positions in various clubs and student organizations. 

There are so many options available with a communication degree as demand for media and communication “occupations is expected to arise from the need to create, edit, translate, and disseminate information through a variety of different platforms.”