Together, We Succeed.
First week in Cape Town, South Africa
Written by: Floyd Nichols
This week was my first week in Cape Town, South Africa. It has been an amazing experience so far. It has also been quite interesting to see the contrast between the Parisian culture and the South African culture.

I began my first week in Cape Town with a trip to Camps Bay Beach with a few friends. The view at Camps Bay was very beautiful. Behind you, one can see the Lion’s Head mountain, looking out to the beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean. This week, as part of the program’s orientation, I also had the pleasure to eat at Mzansbi’s Restaurant in one of the townships of Cape Town. At this restaurant “Mama” cooks everything homemade and each dish she makes is special to the isiXhosa culture, which is a South African tribe. We finished off the orientation week with a walking tour of the Central Business District of the city of Cape Town.

I am definitely excited for the next five weeks here in Cape Town; there are many activities to do. Some activities that I have planned for the upcoming weeks are visiting Johannesburg, Boulder Beach, Robben Island and hiking Table Mountain, Devil’s Peak and Lion’s Head.